If We Really Were Witches

‘If We Really Were Witches’ has been described as Monty Python-meets-The Crucible.

What’s funny about the witch hunts? Nothing.

But what *is* funny is a reality where the magic and power the victims were accused of having really exists.

‘Witches’ is currently in many forms as it tries to find its billionaire financier.

It’s an audio theater series on all streaming services, a YouTube intro/short film, and a stage play. It dreams of becoming a full-length episodic show.

Mildred, Agnes and Suds travel through time and space to show injustice a thing or two. They come up against the Pricks of Puritanical Piety Guild and Social Club— a rabid group of witch hunters who use witch prickers (and other “modern science”) to test their victims.